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My Life Story 100 Year Diary


My Life Story 100 Year Diary

Suck UK

Lifetime diary. 100-year. 1080 pages.

Begin writing your life story using this 100-year diary.

My Life Story is a 100 year diary to help you remember the special moments you will never want to forget - the people you've loved; the friends you've made; the places you've visited. Record your achievements, make a note of favourite films/books/music/people, write down your ambitions, make a Things To Do Before I Die list.

Includes a map of the world, and one of your body. If you're too young to fill it in right now, someone else can start it for you; your first steps, first words, first day at school. This is the story of your life. Treasure it always. 1080 pages.

•  About Me: All about yourself
•  Homes: And the people you made them with
•  Things to do before you die: Your own life ambitions
•  Awards and achievements: Prizes, medals, trophies, useful and useless skills
•  and more...


Material Paper

Dimensions 16cm x 22cm x 6cm
